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The Career Relaunch® podcast features inspiring stories of career reinvention to help you navigate your own career change journey. Hosted by career consultant Joseph Liu, with listeners in 170+ countries.
About Career Relaunch
Hear inspiring stories of career reinvention from professionals around the world who changed course to pursue more meaningful work. Hosted by career consultant Joseph Liu, with listeners in 170+ countries.
Audience & Stats
- Listeners Profile: mid to senior-level professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs who yearn to reach the next level in their careers and do meaningful work that matters.
- Podcast Guests: international guests from 10+ countries and 5 continents
- Global audience in 169 countries
- Total downloads: 340K+ as of Aug 2022 (data from Blubrry hosting).
- Downloads per month: 1400+ times per episode, nearly 10X the industry average of 141. (as of June 2022)
- Downloads: 900+ times within the first week, putting it into the top 5% most popular podcasts globally.
- These figures have steadily climbed since the show’s Sept’16 launch.
- The largest listenership is in the US🇺🇸, UK🇬🇧, Canada🇨🇦, Australia🇦🇺, and Japan🇯🇵 (in that order).
- The majority of our listeners (73%) listen via Apple devices (mostly mobile) followed by Android (17%).
Sponsorship Information & Pricing
Are you interested in featuring your product, organization, or service on the Career Relaunch® podcast? Contact host Joseph Liu or learn more below.
Career Relaunch® host Joseph Liu has established himself as a trusted thought leader in the space of career change & personal branding, regularly invited to speak at reputable institutions and featured in well-known publications like Fast Company, Forbes, SUCCESS, Monster, Career Builder, and HuffPost. The products and services he recommends have instant credibility with his audience.
The Career Relaunch® podcast is a globally recognized podcast, and has been named a:
- 🚀top business podcast for entrepreneurs by Forbes
- 🧑🏻💼best podcast for transitioning to a new career by Glassdoor
- 🔎top podcast to “help you find a job” by Business Insider
- 🏢best podcast for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and startups by Office Hub
- 📈best podcast for entrepreneurs and marketers by Harmoni Living
Leveraging insights from successfully coaching hundreds of career-changers, he’s created a high quality, global podcast that’s ranked as a Top 20 Career podcast in the US🇺🇸, UK🇬🇧, Canada🇨🇦, Australia🇦🇺, and Singapore🇸🇬, firmly positioning Career Relaunch as a top-tier show amongst the 4 million+ podcasts that exist.
Relevant sponsors are individuals, companies, or institutions that provide programs, products, or services that enable positive change, personal growth, or professional development, which align well with the audience’s needs. Examples include:
- Aspirational brands, products, or services that cater to professionals
- Educational institutions
- Services that facilitate learning
- Products/services relevant to people embarking on a new career path
- Organizations that support career change
- Useful brands that offer helpful career tools
- 15-30 second mid-roll between the guest interview and popular Mental Fuel® segment. Host Joseph Liu narrates your scripted copy. Examples.
- Featured spot/ad on each sponsored episode’s show notes page. Example.
Interested in the idea of sponsoring Career Relaunch? Simply contact Joseph here or email him to discuss more details.
Previous Sponsors
(Hint: Click a company below to see who else they've sponsored!)
HelloAudience cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of each listing as details can always change. Please check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information. Please let us know if the information on a listing is outdated and we will review.
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// Audience, Topics
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// Primary Search form
// Sponsors - Sponsors page
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label: decodeHtmlEntities(item.label),
link: decodeHtmlEntities([^=]+$/, (val) => {
return '=' + encodeURIComponent(val.substr(1))
itemsArray = itemsArray.filter(item => item.category).map(item => ({
label: decodeHtmlEntities(item.label),
link: decodeHtmlEntities([^=]+$/, (val) => {
return '=' + encodeURIComponent(val.substr(1))
// console.log('!!! --- itemsArray', itemsArray);
let itemsArrayCategories = [];
let itemsArrayAudience = [];
let itemsArraySponsors = [];
let arrCatTarget = [];
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// Audience, Topics
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// If Empty
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// Display Categories
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// If Empty
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// Primary Search form
// Sponsors - Sponsors page
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// If Empty
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// Secondary Search form// Secondary Search form
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// If Empty
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// Display Data
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// If Empty
else {
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// Show Post types
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// searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title">'+ itemsArrayData[i].postType +'</div>');
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if (arrCatTarget.length === 0 && itemsArrayData.length === 0) {
searchBox.prepend('<div class="search-drop__title">No matches found. <a href="" target="_blank">Request an Audience/Topic to add.</a></div>');
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