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Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. Sponsoring is easy and reaches a wide and engaged audience of Python listeners. You can sponsor just one show or a whole block.
About Python Bytes
Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. Python Bytes podcast delivers headlines directly to your earbuds. If you want to stay up on the Python developer news but don’t have time to scour reddit, twitter, and other news sources, just subscribe and you’ll get the best picks delivered weekly.
Python Bytes was founded in November 2016 by Michael Kennedy and hosted by Michael and his co-host Brian Okken. This is a unique show among the existing Python podcasts. It is a 30 to 45 minute news oriented podcast. Think of this show as the audio equivalent of a weekly newsletter. It is well known and respected among the Python and Open Source communities.
Audience & Stats
- Total Downloads of the MP3 audio files: 12,800,000+ (as of March 2024)
- Episode Average Downloads: 25,700 times (12-week rolling) and 34,000
times over its lifetime
- Most Popular Episode Downloads: 84,000
- Listen Notes Listen Score: LS 49
- Global Rank: TOP 0.5% (out of 3,389,554 podcasts globally)
- YouTube Subscribers: 4,000+
- Audience: Python listeners
- Top Locations: primarily USA and Europe based with fewer listeners in other regions (US 83.14% | Norway 8.81% | UK 2.41% | Spain 1.5% | Germany 1%)
Sponsorship Information & Pricing
We love working with our amazing corporate sponsors. These sponsorships are the primary source of funding and make the Python Bytes podcast possible.
Sponsoring is easy and reaches a wide and engaged audience of Python listeners. You can sponsor just one show or a whole block.
View our full sponsorship data sheet with traffic and pricing information.
Pricing: $1,300 / episode | Purchases of 5 or more episodes at once receive a 10% discount
Each episode has a single sponsor and the ad format is a format-native conversation exchange with my co-host discussing the offering in our own words and experience.
What’s included
- Pre-roll: A quick mention at the beginning of the show [ example ].
- Mid-roll: A dedicated 45-60 second ad spot in the episode [ example ].
- Featured in video format: on YouTube where we live stream before creating the audio version. Note: The example links above point to our YouTube Live streams. The majority of our listeners listen through their podcast players but the same audio segments are obviously carried over in both locations.
- A permanent 500×500 banner and link on the episode page [ example ].
- Listing at the top of the episode show notes in the podcast player.
Start a conversation.
Previous Sponsors
(Hint: Click a company below to see who else they've sponsored!)
HelloAudience cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of each listing as details can always change. Please check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information. Please let us know if the information on a listing is outdated and we will review.
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// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// If search page
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// Audience, Topics
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// Primary Search form
// Sponsors - Sponsors page
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// Secondary Search form
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keyword: val.trim(),
success: function (data) {
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label: decodeHtmlEntities(item.label),
link: decodeHtmlEntities([^=]+$/, (val) => {
return '=' + encodeURIComponent(val.substr(1))
itemsArray = itemsArray.filter(item => item.category).map(item => ({
label: decodeHtmlEntities(item.label),
link: decodeHtmlEntities([^=]+$/, (val) => {
return '=' + encodeURIComponent(val.substr(1))
// console.log('!!! --- itemsArray', itemsArray);
let itemsArrayCategories = [];
let itemsArrayAudience = [];
let itemsArraySponsors = [];
let arrCatTarget = [];
// console.log("!!! --- itemsArrayData :", itemsArrayData);
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// Primary Search form
// Audience, Topics
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// Display Audience
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// If Empty
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// console.log('arrCatTarget: ', arrCatTarget);
// Display Categories
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// If Empty
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// console.log(itemsArrayCategories);
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if (lowerCaseTarget.includes(lowerCaseVal)) {
let textCategories = itemsArrayCategories[i].label;
let countCategories = itemsArrayCategories[i].postCount;
let countText = '';
if (countCategories === 1) {
countText = ' listing'
} else {
countText = ' listings'
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// Primary Search form
// Sponsors - Sponsors page
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// Display Sponsors
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// If Empty
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let textCategories = itemsArraySponsors[i].label;
let countSponsors = itemsArraySponsors[i].postCount;
let countText = '';
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countText = ' listing'
} else {
countText = ' listings'
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// Secondary Search form// Secondary Search form
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// Display Categories
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// If Empty
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return false;
// Display Data
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// If Empty
else {
// console.log("!!! --- itemsArrayData :", itemsArrayData);
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// Show Post types
// if (i === 0 && itemsArrayData[0].postType.length > 0) {
// searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title">'+ itemsArrayData[i].postType +'</div>');
// }
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// searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title">'+ itemsArrayData[i].postType +'</div>');
// postTypeName = itemsArrayData[i].postType;
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return false;
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if (arrCatTarget.length === 0 && itemsArrayData.length === 0) {
searchBox.prepend('<div class="search-drop__title">No matches found. <a href="" target="_blank">Request an Audience/Topic to add.</a></div>');
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