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/* Function to detect opted out users */
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The Dentist Money Show Podcast
On The Dentist Money Show Podcast, thousands of dentists are learning how to make smart financial decisions. You’ll be entertained while getting straightforward advice about investing, retirement planning, tax reduction, insurance, debt management, and personal finance.
About The Dentist Money Show
On The Dentist Money Show, thousands of dentists are learning how to make smart financial decisions. You’ll be entertained while getting straightforward advice about investing, retirement planning, tax reduction, insurance, debt management, and personal finance.
Audience & Stats
- Dental clients: 500+ across 50 states
- Podcast downloads (all time): 1 million+
- Podcast downloads per month: 25,000
- 2 CE-approved webinars per month with 100+ in attendance
- Private Facebook group members: 1,900+
- Instagram followers: 3,800+
- Email subscribers: 14,000
Sponsorship Information & Pricing
Podcast Sponsorship Options
- Podcast interview (includes promotion): $5,000
- Podcast ad space – 30 sec front/mid roll: $5,000/mo
- Podcast ad space – 30 sec end roll: $2,500/mo
- Podcast email blast sponsorship: $750/mo
Become an Approved Dentist Advisors Partner
Dentist Advisors is a fee-only fiduciary which obligates us to thoroughly vet potential partners to ensure we only recommend best-of-breed services and solutions to our clients and prospects.
The first step in becoming a partner is to complete the application form. We’ll then review your application and reach out to schedule an assessment interview.
If approved, you will have access to our additional partner benefits which are highlighted below:
Feature Your Company In Our Approved Partner Directory
As a Dentist Advisors partner you will be added to our list of approved vendors, which our clients and advisors use to identify the best product and service providers in dentistry. You’ll also have the option to boost your visibility with a featured listing.
See sample partner listing
Participate in Dentist Advisors Content Marketing
Partnership with Dentist Advisors opens the door to several content marketing opportunities through our Dentist Money™ Show podcast, CE webinar series, private Facebook group, email list, education library, and more.
See detailed partner opportunities and pricing
Become an Approved Partner
Complete this application to start the process of becoming a Dentist Advisors partner. Once your application is received a member of our team will contact you to schedule an interview.
Here are other ways to work with us:
- Dentist Advisors Engagement
- Webinars
- Social Media
Learn more about sponsorship opportunities here.
HelloAudience cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of each listing as details can always change. Please check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information. Please let us know if the information on a listing is outdated and we will review.
jQuery(function ($) {
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const urlOrigin = window.location.origin;
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// If search page
let searchInput = $('.search-form input');
searchInput.on("focusout", function () {
function decodeHtmlEntities(str) {
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, 'text/html');
return doc.documentElement.textContent;
searchInput.on('keyup', function (event) {
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window.location.replace(urlOrigin + '/search/?search=' + encodeURIComponent(val));
// console.log('Search val: ', val.length);
let primarySearchAudience = !!(inp.closest('.s-hero-home').hasClass('s-hero-home') && $('body').hasClass('home'));
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let secondarySearchAll = !!(inp.closest('.search-form').hasClass('sr-filter__group') || inp.closest('.search-form').hasClass('header__search-form'));
// Primary Search form
// Audience, Topics
if (primarySearchAudience) {
dataAction = 'data_fetch_home';
// Primary Search form
// Sponsors - Sponsors page
if (primarySearchSponsors) {
dataAction = 'data_fetch_sponsors';
// Secondary Search form
if (secondarySearchAll) {
dataAction = 'data_fetch';
url: window.wp_data.ajax_url,
type: 'post',
data: {
action: dataAction,
keyword: val.trim(),
success: function (data) {
let itemsArray = $.parseJSON(data);
// console.log('!!! --- itemsArray 0', itemsArray);
let itemsArrayData = [];
itemsArrayData = itemsArray.filter(item => item.category === false).map(item => ({
label: decodeHtmlEntities(item.label),
link: decodeHtmlEntities([^=]+$/, (val) => {
return '=' + encodeURIComponent(val.substr(1))
itemsArray = itemsArray.filter(item => item.category).map(item => ({
label: decodeHtmlEntities(item.label),
link: decodeHtmlEntities([^=]+$/, (val) => {
return '=' + encodeURIComponent(val.substr(1))
// console.log('!!! --- itemsArray', itemsArray);
let itemsArrayCategories = [];
let itemsArrayAudience = [];
let itemsArraySponsors = [];
let arrCatTarget = [];
// console.log("!!! --- itemsArrayData :", itemsArrayData);
for (i = 0; i < itemsArray.length; i++) {
if (itemsArray[i].category === true && itemsArray[i].audience === true) {
if (itemsArray[i].category === true && itemsArray[i].audience === false) {
if (itemsArray[i].category === true && itemsArray[i].sponsors === true) {
if (itemsArray[i].category === false && itemsArray[i].audience === false) {
// console.log('counts: ', itemsArraySponsors.length, itemsArrayCategories.length, itemsArrayAudience.length, itemsArrayData.length)
let searchBox = $('.search-drop__box');
if (itemsArray.length === 0) {
searchBox.prepend('<div class="search-drop__title">No matches found. <a href="" target="_blank">Request an Audience/Topic to add.</a></div>');
else {
// Primary Search form
// Audience, Topics
if (primarySearchAudience) {
// Display Audience
if (itemsArrayAudience.length === 0) {
// If Empty
} else {
searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title category">Audience</div>');
for (i = 0; i < itemsArrayAudience.length; i++) {
let lowerCaseTarget = decodeHtmlEntities(itemsArrayAudience[i].postType.toLowerCase());
if (lowerCaseTarget.includes(lowerCaseVal)) {
let textCategories = itemsArrayAudience[i].label;
let countAudience = itemsArrayAudience[i].postCount;
let countText = '';
if (countAudience === 1) {
countText = ' listing'
} else {
countText = ' listings'
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} else {
$('.search-form input').closest('.search-form').find('.search-drop').fadeOut(300)
return false;
// console.log('arrCatTarget: ', arrCatTarget);
// Display Categories
if (itemsArrayCategories.length === 0) {
// If Empty
} else {
searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title category">Topic</div>');
// console.log(itemsArrayCategories);
for (i = 0; i < itemsArrayCategories.length; i++) {
let lowerCaseTarget = decodeHtmlEntities(itemsArrayCategories[i].postType.toLowerCase());
if (lowerCaseTarget.includes(lowerCaseVal)) {
let textCategories = itemsArrayCategories[i].label;
let countCategories = itemsArrayCategories[i].postCount;
let countText = '';
if (countCategories === 1) {
countText = ' listing'
} else {
countText = ' listings'
let reCategories = new RegExp(`(${val})`, "gi");
let newTextCategories = textCategories.replace(reCategories, `<strong>$1</strong>`);
if (val !== '' && val.length > 0) {
searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__list" role="menuitem" tabindex="0"><a href="' + itemsArrayCategories[i].link + '"><span class="title">' + newTextCategories + '</span> <span class="count">' + countCategories + countText + '</span></a></div></div>');
} else {
$('.search-form input').closest('.search-form').find('.search-drop').fadeOut(300)
return false;
// Primary Search form
// Sponsors - Sponsors page
if (primarySearchSponsors) {
// Display Sponsors
if (itemsArraySponsors.length === 0) {
// If Empty
} else {
searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title category">Sponsors</div>');
for (i = 0; i < itemsArraySponsors.length; i++) {
let lowerCaseTarget = decodeHtmlEntities(itemsArraySponsors[i].postType.toLowerCase());
if (lowerCaseTarget.includes(lowerCaseVal)) {
let textCategories = itemsArraySponsors[i].label;
let countSponsors = itemsArraySponsors[i].postCount;
let countText = '';
if (countSponsors === 1) {
countText = ' listing'
} else {
countText = ' listings'
let reCategories = new RegExp(`(${val})`, "gi");
let newTextCategories = textCategories.replace(reCategories, `<strong>$1</strong>`);
if (val !== '' && val.length > 0) {
searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__list" role="menuitem" tabindex="0"><a href="' + itemsArraySponsors[i].link + '"><span class="title">' + newTextCategories + '</span> <span class="count">' + countSponsors + countText + '</span></a></div>');
} else {
$('.search-form input').closest('.search-form').find('.search-drop').fadeOut(300)
return false;
// Secondary Search form// Secondary Search form
if (secondarySearchAll) {
// Display Categories
if (itemsArrayCategories.length === 0) {
// If Empty
else {
for (i = 0; i < itemsArrayCategories.length; i++) {
let lowerCaseTarget = decodeHtmlEntities(itemsArrayCategories[i].postType.toLowerCase());
if (lowerCaseTarget.includes(lowerCaseVal)) {
let textCategories = itemsArrayCategories[i].label;
let reCategories = new RegExp(`(${val})`, "gi");
let newTextCategories = textCategories.replace(reCategories, `<strong>$1</strong>`);
if (val !== '' && val.length > 0) {
searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__list" role="menuitem" tabindex="0"><a href="' + itemsArrayCategories[i].link + '"><span class="title">' + newTextCategories + '</span></a></div>');
} else {
$('.search-form input').closest('.search-form').find('.search-drop').fadeOut(300)
return false;
// Display Data
if (itemsArrayData.length === 0) {
// If Empty
else {
// console.log("!!! --- itemsArrayData :", itemsArrayData);
searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title category">Matching Listings</div>');
let postTypeName = itemsArrayData[0].postType;
for (i = 0; i < itemsArrayData.length; i++) {
// Show Post types
// if (i === 0 && itemsArrayData[0].postType.length > 0) {
// searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title">'+ itemsArrayData[i].postType +'</div>');
// }
// if (postTypeName !== itemsArrayData[i].postType && itemsArrayData[i].postType.length > 0) {
// searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title">'+ itemsArrayData[i].postType +'</div>');
// postTypeName = itemsArrayData[i].postType;
// }
let text = itemsArrayData[i].label;
let re = new RegExp(`(${val})`, "gi");
let newText = text.replace(re, `<strong>$1</strong>`);
if (val !== '' && val.length > 0) {
searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__list" role="menuitem" tabindex="0"><a href="' + itemsArrayData[i].link + '"><span class="title">' + newText + '</span></a></div>');
} else {
$('.search-form input').closest('.search-form').find('.search-drop').fadeOut(300)
return false;
// Secondary Search form
if (secondarySearchAll) {
if (arrCatTarget.length !== 0) {
searchBox.prepend('<div class="search-drop__title category">Audience & Topic</div>');
// if (arrCatTarget.length !== 0) {searchBox.prepend('<div class="search-drop__title category">Audience & Topic</div>');}
if (arrCatTarget.length === 0 && itemsArrayData.length === 0) {
searchBox.prepend('<div class="search-drop__title">No matches found. <a href="" target="_blank">Request an Audience/Topic to add.</a></div>');
$('.search-form .btn').on('click', function (event) {
let val = $(this).closest('.search-form').find('input').val()
window.location.replace(urlOrigin + '/search/?search=' + encodeURIComponent(val));
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console.log('!!! --- Preloaded --- !!!');
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