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The How of Business Podcast
The How of Business podcast is focused on helping you start, run and grow your small business. Our free on-demand audio podcast show offers practical advice, tips and techniques for existing business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.
About The How of Business Podcast
The How of Business – how to start, run and grow a small business – is a weekly show for aspiring Entrepreneurs and existing Small Business Owners. If you are looking for actionable advice, tips and techniques on how to start (including launching or buying your first small business), run and grow your small business, this is the podcast for you! In each episode we either discuss a business topic, or interview an existing small business owner or business service provider.
The How of Business is hosted by Henry Lopez who shares the knowledge and experience he has acquired over his corporate and entrepreneurial careers.
Audience & Stats
- Audience: aspiring entrepreneurs and existing small business owners
- Monthly listeners: 100,000+
- Unique downloads in 2022: 1,187,325
- All-time downloads: 4,000,000+
- Ranking:
- a top rated show on iTunes and Apple Podcasts, including frequently ranking as one of the top shows in the Business category.
- featured as one of the “All-Time Bestsellers” and ranked as one of the top 200 shows in the “Top Shows” list for the Business category.
- featured in the “New & Noteworthy” section various times over the past several years
- currently featured as one of the top podcasts in the Entrepreneurship category on Apple Podcasts.
Sponsorship Information & Pricing
Want to be a Show Sponsor or Affiliate? As a show sponsor or affiliate you receive targeted promotion of your business on specific episodes of our podcast and on this website.
Sponsorship opportunities include paid advertisement spots and affiliate promotions (host read ads) and promotion on the episode show notes and home pages of this website. See below for more details on show sponsorship.
Why should you consider advertising or promoting your service or product through our sponsorship or affiliate programs?
Advertising or promoting your product or service on a podcast like The How of Business podcast can be a strategic and effective marketing approach for small businesses. With a targeted audience, trust-building opportunities, engaged listeners, personal connections, cost-effectiveness, global reach, and trackable performance, podcast advertising and promotions offer unique advantages that can help elevate your brand and drive business growth.
The How of Business Podcast Sponsorship Opportunities:
Sponsorship Options |
Website Sponsor
(per month) |
Episode Sponsor
(per episode) |
Website Home Page Banner Ad (rotating ads) |
included |
included |
Episode Show Notes Page Ad (“sponsored by”) |
included |
Mid-Roll Sponsorship Spot (60 seconds, middle of episode) |
included |
Episode Sponsorship Spot Format:
- Recorded by show host (Henry Lopez)
- Mid-Roll Content: Company name, tag line, brief product/service description, call-to-action
- Length: Mid-Roll is 60-90 seconds.
- One paid sponsor per episode.
- Remains on episode a minimum of 90 days from initial release.
All sponsored promos on our show are read (pre-recorded) by Henry Lopez, the host of The How of Business podcast.
For more information, or to be considered as a sponsor or affiliate, please use this contact form.
HelloAudience cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of each listing as details can always change. Please check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information. Please let us know if the information on a listing is outdated and we will review.
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// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// If search page
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// Primary Search form
// Audience, Topics
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// Primary Search form
// Sponsors - Sponsors page
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// Secondary Search form
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data: {
action: dataAction,
keyword: val.trim(),
success: function (data) {
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itemsArrayData = itemsArray.filter(item => item.category === false).map(item => ({
label: decodeHtmlEntities(item.label),
link: decodeHtmlEntities([^=]+$/, (val) => {
return '=' + encodeURIComponent(val.substr(1))
itemsArray = itemsArray.filter(item => item.category).map(item => ({
label: decodeHtmlEntities(item.label),
link: decodeHtmlEntities([^=]+$/, (val) => {
return '=' + encodeURIComponent(val.substr(1))
// console.log('!!! --- itemsArray', itemsArray);
let itemsArrayCategories = [];
let itemsArrayAudience = [];
let itemsArraySponsors = [];
let arrCatTarget = [];
// console.log("!!! --- itemsArrayData :", itemsArrayData);
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// Primary Search form
// Audience, Topics
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// Display Audience
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// If Empty
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// console.log('arrCatTarget: ', arrCatTarget);
// Display Categories
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// If Empty
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if (lowerCaseTarget.includes(lowerCaseVal)) {
let textCategories = itemsArrayCategories[i].label;
let countCategories = itemsArrayCategories[i].postCount;
let countText = '';
if (countCategories === 1) {
countText = ' listing'
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countText = ' listings'
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// Primary Search form
// Sponsors - Sponsors page
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// Display Sponsors
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// If Empty
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let textCategories = itemsArraySponsors[i].label;
let countSponsors = itemsArraySponsors[i].postCount;
let countText = '';
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countText = ' listing'
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countText = ' listings'
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return false;
// Secondary Search form// Secondary Search form
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// Display Categories
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// If Empty
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return false;
// Display Data
if (itemsArrayData.length === 0) {
// If Empty
else {
// console.log("!!! --- itemsArrayData :", itemsArrayData);
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// Show Post types
// if (i === 0 && itemsArrayData[0].postType.length > 0) {
// searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title">'+ itemsArrayData[i].postType +'</div>');
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// searchBox.append('<div class="search-drop__title">'+ itemsArrayData[i].postType +'</div>');
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return false;
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if (arrCatTarget.length === 0 && itemsArrayData.length === 0) {
searchBox.prepend('<div class="search-drop__title">No matches found. <a href="" target="_blank">Request an Audience/Topic to add.</a></div>');
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